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REALTORS® Support a Better KCI

in Government Affairs

KCRAR has joined a rapidly growing alliance of local organizations and companies that support the need for an airport that will sustain all of the exciting growth and vitality that this town has to offer going into the next 50 years. Real estate is just one of the many industries affected by the limitations of […]

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Homeowners Face Tax Hike Under ‘Big 6’ Plan

in Government Affairs

Homeownership would no longer be a priority in the tax code if a reform plan released Wednesday by the Trump administration and congressional Republicans becomes law. The “Tax Reform Unified Framework,” known as the “Big 6” tax reform plan, is being touted as a way to cut taxes for the middle class. But it could […]

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Missouri 2017 Legislative Session Recap

in Government Affairs

With a historic majority of Republicans in both chambers of the General Assembly and a newly elected Republican Governor, many thought that the 2017 legislative session in Jefferson City could be likewise historically productive. And while a few Republican priorities were approved, consensus proved challenging as the session wore on. The legislature adjourned Friday, May […]

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Kansas 2017 Legislative Session Recap

in Government Affairs

After a marathon 113-day-long legislative session—just one day shy of tying 2015’s record-breaking haul—Kansas legislators drew their 2017 session to a close with a number of changes tallied at the final bell. Given the state’s financial climate, the main points of discussion for this year’s session were, unsurprisingly, taxes and school funding, and there were […]

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City Proposal Aims to Curb Asphalt Cul-de-Sacs in Overland Park

in Government Affairs

Overland Park city leaders have presented a proposal that would require cul-de-sacs be made with concrete instead of asphalt in all future residential developments throughout the city. One of the primary concerns raised by this proposal would be increases in new home costs – up to $4,000 for every home in a cul-de-sac. According to […]

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KAR-Supported Bill Protecting REALTOR®-Paid Fees Now Kansas Law

in Government Affairs

According to a report issued by the Kansas Association of REALTORS®, the Kansas State Legislature passed a REALTOR®-backed bill to Governor Sam Brownback during their marathon legislative session, who signed it into law on Tuesday, May 16th. The bill, House Bill 2153, requires that funds paid to state agencies “shall be used for the purposes […]

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Kansas Supreme Court Rules to Reverse Mission Driveway Tax

in Government Affairs

A major legal victory against the Mission Driveway Tax was achieved on Friday, April 7 as the Kansas Supreme Court issued an opinion ruling. The Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS®, the Kansas Association of REALTORS® & the National Association of REALTORS® partnered in support of the Heartland Apartment Association in their lawsuit against the […]

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REALTORS® Support GO Bonds, Stronger Neighborhoods in Kansas City

in Government Affairs

On April 4th, Kansas City, Missouri voters will have the opportunity to invest in our neighborhoods by voting YES on Questions 1, 2 and 3, dedicating $800 Million to local infrastructure improvements. KCRAR has endorsed these ballot measures, because Realtors know that quality neighborhoods, supported by sound infrastructure, create stronger communities, stable home values and […]

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Mayor Sly James Talks Infrastructure with Kansas City REALTORS®

in Government Affairs

Kansas City Mayor Sly James continued his infrastructure bond tour of Kansas City by visiting with KCRAR REALTOR® members last Wednesday, February 8. Speaking to a full audience in the scenic Carriage Club, Mayor James, accompanied by City Manager Troy Schulte, did not pull any punches when addressing the assembled about the overall nature and […]

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A Look Inside 2017’s KAR Capitol Conference

in Government Affairs

This past week, REALTORS® from across Kansas gathered in Topeka for the annual Capitol Conference, held by the Kansas Association of REALTORS®. The Capitol Conference is a chance for state-associated REALTORS® to actively lobby for their industry and make their voices heard while advocating for private property rights. For this year’s conference, KCRAR fielded a […]

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