Centralized Showing Service has joined ShowingTime, a merger
that will combine the features of both systems into a single platform. This transition will take place for Heartland
MLS subscribers on Oct. 22. On this date, all current CSS Scheduler users will
be updated to ShowingTime
for the MLS, the agent-to-agent scheduling tool integrated into the Matrix
system. This update shouldn’t change how users go about their days, but it
should provide a host of additional features to make scheduling easier.
ShowingTime will migrate historical data from the CSS
Scheduler system, including showing instructions, showing history, feedback
history, agent profile data and listing contacts. Additionally, nothing will be
changing for anyone that has contracted for the live call center. The phone
number and staff will remain the same.
ShowingTime will be offering both on-site and online
trainings so current CSS Scheduler (online scheduling) users can take full
advantage of the new system. The first web presentation will be held on Oct. 17 at 2 p.m. Additional presentations will be offered
regularly until Oct. 24. These webinar sessions will outline how to request
showings online in Matrix, schedule on the go with the ShowingTime Mobile App,
build buyer tours with ShowingCart®, get set up for 2-way
text messaging, and more.
Live, on-site information sessions covering both ShowingTime
for the MLS (agent-to-agent online scheduling) and ShowingTime Appointment
center (Live Call Center) will take place on Oct. 15 in the KCRAR classroom.
There will be four sessions offered at various times during that day. Subscribers
may register for those classes in the
KCRAR member portal.
ShowingTime will also be offering online trainings for those who actively use
the Live Call Center to assist in scheduling showings. The first web
presentation will be held on Oct. 9 at 1 p.m. Additional presentations will be offered
regularly until Oct. 24.