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Members Attend NAR Legislative Meetings in Washington D.C.

May 25, 2018 in Government Affairs

39 KCRAR members traveled to Washington D.C. last week as a
part of the REALTOR® Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo, which celebrated 50
years of the Fair Housing Act. While at the meetings, KCRAR members visited
with members of Congress on Capitol Hill and took talking points and stories
from Kansas and Missouri to the nation’s decision makers to garner support for
legislation to protect homeowners, residential and commercial practitioners and
the real estate industry. Issues discussed included FHA financing on condos, flood
insurance, net neutrality and tax reform implications for commercial and residential
real estate.

While in D.C., the NAR Board of Directors approved some new
policy changes, including the S.M.A.R.T. budget,
which proposed a $30 dues increase in 2019. This new budget plan uses $17 of
the increase for REALTOR® Party advocacy programming. The remaining $13 will
fund programs such as the new Commitment to Excellence professionalism
initiative, upkeep of the association’s buildings and other programming.

Additionally, Standard of Practice I-7 was changed by the
NAR Board. A listing broker or agent is now required to respond in writing that
an offer was submitted to the seller if the cooperating broker who submitted
the offer so requests. The listing broker or agent must respond in the
affirmative unless the seller has provided written notification waiving the
obligation to have the offer presented.

“Thank you to all of you who took time away from your
families and businesses during this busy time to attend these very important
meetings,” said Jeff Carson, KCRAR Director of Advocacy for Kansas. “The
meetings you attended, the stories you told our Legislators made a difference.”

Visit Legislative
to get a recap on what happened
during the 2018 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo.

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