The Royals will be facing off against the Twins on
Wednesday, May 30, and KCRAR members have the opportunity to attend the game at
a discounted price for this year’s annual REALTOR® Day at the K.
Tickets are only $15 each for members and their friends and
family. Seats will be in the Field Plaza, sections 240-246, where REALTORS® and
their friends and family will all be seated together for fun and networking.
Members can order their tickets in the member portal by navigating to Shop. Members
will have the option to have their tickets delivered or to pick them up at
Prior to the game, YPN will be hosting a Tailgate for Tools at
4:30 p.m. in the Kauffman parking lot. All tool donations will go to the KCRAR
and Habitiat for Humanity event Rock the Block. More details on Tailgate for
Tools to come.