National Speaker Terry Watson will be returning to the KCRAR
classroom on Nov. 7 to teach Pricing
Strategies: Mastering the CMA for ABR elective credit.
The course will take place from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will
cover the nuts and bolts of a comparative market analysis (CMA), including its
purpose, key principles of valuation that impact these analyses, and important
valuation terminology.
Agents who are thinking about or have already begun earning
their ABR designation may take this course to satisfy the elective requirement.
And not only will this course work toward an ABR designation, but it can also
be used to earn a PSA certification.
The goal of this course is to teach participants the purpose
of appraisals, how they differ from CMAs and the scope of the appraiser’s role. The
course will also go over how to effectively address client concerns about pricing,
choose appropriate comparables, prepare and present a superior CMA and generate
ideas for working constructively with appraisers.
Register in the
member portal.