By Amy Voltz, 2024 Heartland MLS President
Hello fellow REATORS® and friends,
I hope you are enjoying these warm temperatures and the lively summer market. As I sit down to write this message, I feel a profound sense of responsibility to address something that’s on my mind—and probably yours too.
If you know me personally or professionally, you know I’m usually a positive, glass-half-full person. I don’t lament on things we can’t change or play the ‘what if’ game. Instead, I believe in assessing the facts and moving forward in a way that benefits everyone. We do this every day with our clients, and now it’s time we apply the same positive attitude and grace to ourselves, especially with the recent NAR settlement agreement.
Many of us have followed this case for years, while others might have only recently become aware of it. Regardless, we know that significant changes are coming. These changes will affect how we conduct our business, but not the business itself. By mid-August, rules will change, forms will be updated, and MLS fields will be revised. Yet, that won’t stop us from assisting first-time homebuyers, guiding our sellers, and supporting clients through both fortunate and challenging times. Our clients and communities will continue to need and rely on our expertise.
Change is challenging, but necessary. Being averse to change is part of the human condition. No one understands this more than the REALTOR® volunteers and KCRAR/HMLS staff who have been working tirelessly to implement these changes comprehensively, with everyone’s interests at heart. Since the settlement agreement was announced, we faced constantly changing information, consulted multiple top anti-trust and real estate legal opinions, and created ambitious timelines. I am relieved to share that through committees, task forces, staff meetings, and special meetings, a comprehensive and lawful plan will be available to our members very soon.
I strongly encourage you to take the time to educate yourself on these changes. Next week, brokers will receive the necessary information needed to inform their agents. In the following weeks, agents will be able to see the new forms, temporary forms, classes, and clear instructions leading up to the implementation date and beyond. Our goal is to ensure these changes comply with the settlement agreement while minimizing disruption to your daily business.
However, there will inevitably be hiccups. We must continue to be the professionals our clients rely on. Please extend professional courtesy to colleagues who may not be as informed about the changes. Also remember, KCRAR & HMLS are here to help, but we must comply with the settlement agreements and legal advice.
In the coming months, being proactive and prepared for these changes is the best thing you can do for your business. Being patient and respectful is the best thing you can do for yourself and your colleagues.
Thank you for your attention and dedication.
Rob Wagoner • July 19, 2024 at 3:27 pm
Great Job Amy! Thank you for your leadership this year during a pivotal time in our industry.