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President Howe: Lessons from the Other Side

in Guest Columns

Over the last few years, I’ve become a national speaker at real estate events and conferences around the country. My favorite topic to speak on is mental health in real estate. It’s a topic that we don’t talk enough about and as I’ve discovered, it’s one of the main topics we need to be talking […]

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President Howe: Can We All Take A Moment To Just Breathe?

in Guest Columns

This year, as we all know, is one for history books. I feel like I’ve done about five years’ worth of growing in these last six months, simply by working through the obstacles this year has thrown at me, and I’m sure many of you have as well. I have grown in both my personal […]

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Steer Clear of ‘Steering’

in Guest Columns

“Steering” is the practice of influencing a buyer’s choice of communities based upon one of the protected characteristics under the Fair Housing Act, which are race, color, religion, gender, disability, familial status, or national origin. Steering occurs, for example, when real estate agents do not tell buyers about available properties that meet their criteria, or […]

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A Message from Heartland MLS President Michael Pierce

President Pierce: Navigating Through Market Adversity

in Guest Columns

This year has certainly been interesting for our industry thus far. While the full impact of COVID-19 and the resulting job losses to the KC real estate market will take more time to measure, we have already seen months with decreasing year over year sales. Only time will tell whether that trend continues, erodes further […]

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What to Tell New Homeowners About Cooling Their Home During the Continued COVID-19 Pandemic

in Guest Columns

With COVID-19 keeping people in their homes more than they might in a typical summer, air condition system run times may be increasing in the coming months. The Old Farmers Almanac projects that our region will experience slightly warmer temperatures and more rain than normal through July, with above-normal temperatures in September and October. Here […]

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President Howe: Fighting Systemic Racism in Real Estate

in Guest Columns

For the last week, I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out what this month’s message would be. Deciding what real estate topic would be appropriate to talk about with all the continued social injustices and racial inequities going on in the world right now has been weighing heavy on my heart. That was when […]

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Become an e-PRO® Now

in Guest Columns

There is no better time to earn a designation than the present. Take advantage of NAR’s Right Tools, Right Now program and get your e-PRO® certification. Technology may be intimidating, but this interactive class has an easy to follow format that keeps the attention of the participant. The class is split up into 12 different […]

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President Howe: Ways to Use this Time to Set Yourself Up for Success

in Guest Columns

During this pandemic, our industry is clearly looking a bit different than it usually does. Since we’re limiting our transactions to only essential ones, you might find yourself with more time in your workday. Here are a few suggestions for ways you can use this extra time and the many resources available to REALTOR® members […]

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President Pierce: Adapting to a Changing Real Estate Environment

in Guest Columns

I wanted to update you about a few of the temporary changes Heartland MLS has adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the stay at home orders in place in Kansas and Missouri. Not only because it’s my job as Heartland MLS President, but also because it’s a nice distraction from the sound of […]

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President Howe: When Life Hands You Lemons

in Guest Columns

When life hands you lemons… Make Facebook Live Hot Wheels races or lemonade or something like that. When I initially planned out my President’s Messages for the year and picked out sports as my theme, it was a no brainer that April’s theme would be the Royals and the 2020 baseball season. But like many things […]

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