The KCRAR REALTOR® store has launched a new line of closing gift items specifically curated for agents to gift to their clients to celebrate closing on their new homes. The central point of the gift set are two candles with labels reading “Home Sweet Home” and “New Home Smell” available in a variety of scent options.
These gift sets of two candles are available in the Leawood and Warrensburg KCRAR locations, and are priced at $13. For agents looking for a little bit more, the candles are also available in a gift sets option that also includes a keychain and thank you note for $18.50. Single candles can also be purchased for $6.50 each, and KCRAR plans to expand its closing gift selection even more in the future.
In addition to those new items, the KCRAR REALTOR® store has also added several new items to its inventory, including planners, buyer’s guides, seller’s guides, listing kits and new signs. And the KCRAR REALTOR® store continues to keep a stock of personal protective equipment, including cloth masks, disposable masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.
KCRAR welcomes members to stop by the Leawood or Warrensburg locations to browse the new selection or shop with curbside pickup by calling the office.
Dina Blackmore • February 26, 2021 at 7:34 pm
can we order online or is there a way to see what you have?