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CEO Kipp Cooper: New COVID-19 Instant Test and Resources Available to KCRAR Members

December 4, 2020 in Guest Columns

By Kipp Cooper, CEO of KCRAR and Heartland MLS

This past week one of the first vaccines for COVID-19 was approved in the United Kingdom. At this time, it seems hopeful that similar approvals will occur in the United States soon. While this is very encouraging news, it will likely be months before vaccines will be available to protect a majority of the public. With COVID-19 cases in the Kansas City Metro on the rise, it is vitally important that we continue to take every precaution as an industry for our customers and clients as well as our fellow REALTORS®.

In early March, KCRAR developed and issued safety guidelines for real estate professionals. As jurisdictions developed local COVID-19 ordinances, we worked with the region’s health and elected officials to make and keep real estate listed as an essential service. We developed an interactive map so REALTORS® knew what rules were in place in the various cities, counties and states in our jurisdiction.

I am very proud of our members and staff for all they have done to help prevent the spread of this virus. Unfortunately, the numbers continue to rise in our country. Although we don’t know what the future holds, it could be possible that new restrictions may be imposed or even a possible stay at home order, as England has just gone through again.

That is why we have updated our KCRAR COVID-19 Resource Guide and Guidelines for Real Estate Professionals. Please continue to be ever vigilant, follow the recommended guidelines and adhere to showing instruction for every property you enter.

We have been entrusted with our status as an essential service, and that status can be rescinded if our elected officials or the public feel we are easing up even the slightest on safety protocols.

Lastly, we want you to know KCRAR is committed to your health and safety above all. That is why we have sold Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), like masks, hand sanitizer and face shields, in our Leawood store at cost to our members from the very beginning of this pandemic. We have also just negotiated a 10% discount on FDA approved rapid tests that only require two drops of blood in a self-administered test kit and provides a COVID-19 result or presence of COVID-19 antibodies within eight to ten minutes. Instant tests can be ordered at Use code KCRAR at checkout to receive the 10% discount.

As we head into the holidays, I wish you and your family a very healthy and happy New Year!

Respectfully yours,


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