KCRAR Midwest Missouri Chapter Weeklong Open House Coming to Warrensburg Office
KCRAR will be hosting an open house event next week at the recently remodeled KCRAR Warrensburg office. Over the past months, KCRAR has made improvements to the office and REALTOR® Store in Warrensburg, Mo. KCRAR is inviting its members to see the improvements and meet the new Warrensburg office staff member, Tara Kelley, at its […]
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KCRAR Launches Partnership with Mano’s for Wine Closing Gifts
KCRAR has recently partnered with Mano’s Wine to offer a variety of wines from its “Home Sweet Home” collection to KCRAR members at a discounted rate. In its efforts to expand the KCRAR REALTOR® Store’s selection of closing gifts for members, KCRAR was seeking a way to offer a wine gift option that could be […]
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KCRAR REALTOR® Store Introduces Closing Gift Options
The KCRAR REALTOR® store has launched a new line of closing gift items specifically curated for agents to gift to their clients to celebrate closing on their new homes. The central point of the gift set are two candles with labels reading “Home Sweet Home” and “New Home Smell” available in a variety of scent […]
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