Another Latte and
Learn session will be coming to the KCRAR classroom on May 17th
from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Heartland MLS trainer John Hatfield will be leading the
session, which will cover Matrix 360, the latest version of the Heartland MLS
This new update to the Matrix system was launched by
Heartland MLS earlier this year, and it offers new tools and resources, such as
unified listing data and Realist® property data. This allows subscribers to
search across both sets from a single platform and gives a 360-degree view of
properties in the market.
Hatfield will go over public record search, the
Realist®-style full tax display, the complete property display, the interactive
map and comprehensive map overlays, auto-filling new listings using tax data
and more. There will be ample time for questions from the audience.
Register for this Non-CE session in
the member portal.