Kansas City REALTOR® Mark Solomon was selected as a top 10
finalist for the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Good Neighbor Award. NAR
selected these 10 finalists from REALTORS® across the nation who “make the
world a better place through extraordinary volunteer work” according to
REALTOR.com – on Oct. 2, five of these finalists will be announced as Good
Neighbor Award Winners, each receiving a $10,000 grant. Voting is open for the public
to select their “web choice” recipient. The top three vote getters will receive
additional grant money for their organizations.
Solomon is the co-founder of Veterans Community Project,
which works to eliminate veteran homelessness through a tiny house development
in Kansas City. The neighborhood also includes an outreach center where any
veteran can access services like medical and mental health referrals,
employment assistance and addiction counseling and treatment. With the Kansas
City location nearly complete, Solomon is helping to expand VCP nationwide.
Solomon himself is a Navy veteran. He served in Baghdad from
2007 to 2008 and has been a naval intelligence officer in the reserves for 15
years. Knowing personally the difficulties veterans face when returning to
civilian life, Solomon founded Veterans Community Project with fellow combat
veterans, and the organization has grown into a 100 percent privately funded
charity with nearly 50 tiny homes for veterans.
REALTORS® and members of the public can both help give back
to the Veterans Community Project by voting for Mark Solomon as NAR’s Good
Neighbor Web Choice recipient here,
until voting closes on Sept. 28.