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4 Self-Defense Tips to Stay Safe on the Job

September 20, 2019 in Education

KCRAR held a special self-defense class earlier this month
for REALTOR® Safety Month. Steve Woolridge, who holds a first-degree black belt
in Krav Maga, taught a classroom of over 50 REALTORS® hands-on skills they can
use if they’re ever in a crisis situation. In addition to those skills,
Woolridge emphasized a number of best practices to keep safe when on the job as
an agent.

Be aware, but not paranoid. Woolridge said agents
should always be aware of their surroundings so they can take notice of
anything abnormal. This could mean keeping their heads up, and not looking down
at their phones in situations when someone could approach them. He advised
presenting yourself with confidence.

Follow safe protocols. Woolridge said agents should
always let someone else know where they are going and when they expect to be
back. He said to meet clients first in office before meeting them at properties.
He recommended that agents not fully turn their backs to their clients when
opening lockboxes and to allow clients to walk ahead of them, especially up and
down stairs.

Have a “go home safe” attitude. One of the biggest
points Woolridge stressed is that agents need to have a shift in mindset so
that they are always prepared for what to do in a crisis.

Train. Woolridge suggested taking self-defense
classes if possible, but that training physically by exercising is always a
good idea.

For more safety information, members can visit

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