As a part of REALTOR® Safety Month, KCRAR will be bringing a
self defense expert to teach members what they need to know in case of a
threatening situation.
Master Bronson Ko will share simple techniques and tactics
to escape these kinds of situations. Bronson has over 30 years of martial arts
experience and has been teaching for 20. He is the founder and owner of Ko
Martial Arts in Overland Park and Olathe, Kan.
“REALTORS® face potential dangers virtually every day in the
field and often don’t think about safety until something happens to them or a
loved one,” KCRAR Director of Education Alison Trevor said. “I think it’s
critical that leadership takes a proactive approach by providing ongoing safety
awareness and self-defense training, helping agents change the way they do
The course will take place on Monday, Sept. 24 from 1 to 3
Sign up for this Non-CE class in the Member Portal.