KCRAR and the National Association of REALTORS® offer members resources to help them stay as safe as possible while conducting business. As a reminder of the importance of keeping safety top of mind, KCRAR is encouraging its members to take time to review the information, products and other opportunities that are available to protect themselves. In addition to the resources below, REALTORS® are encouraged to discuss office safety protocols with their brokers to ensure best practices are being followed.
Kinetic Global Safety App
The Kinetic Global safety app comes to KCRAR members as a no-cost benefit, and it is designed to call for help in the event of an emergency in which the user may not be able to make a call. KCRAR members can download this app from their app store and sign up using their KCRAR associated email address to get started with their free account.
Safety Classes
KCRAR’s “Safety Matters” class goes over the essentials that REALTORS® should know about keeping themselves safe on the job. Register for the Feb. 11 “Safety Matters” class in the KCRAR Member Portal.
Safety Equipment
KCRAR sells a variety of safety equipment in its REALTOR® store at-cost to members. Items include door alarms, personal safety alarms, tasers, pepper spray and defense spray. Stop by the Leawood office to browse the selection or call the office for curbside pickup.
Training Videos and Webinars
NAR offers safety training videos on its website on topics from staying safe in the office to cyber security. It also offers free webinars available for members to view any time on its website.