KCRAR Commercial will host its annual golf event again this
year on June 10. Each year, commercial real estate brokers from around the
Kansas City area gather on the golf green for a team scramble. This year, the
event will be held at Oakwood Country Club in Kansas City, Mo., with
registration beginning at 11 a.m.
The event is open to KCRAR members and non-members. Anyone
interested may register, and KCRAR will team up anyone who is not already a
part of a team. The winning team will receive the “traveling trophy” until next
year’s Commercial Broker Open.
The cost of registration will include 18 holes of golf, golf
cart rental, lunch, refreshments throughout the day, the awards reception with
food and more. Anyone interesting in registering can find more information on the
registration form.
Sponsorship opportunities are available here.