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President Conant: I Dare You

January 7, 2021 in Guest Columns

I’d like to start my term as KCRAR president by saying thank you to all our members. At a time like this, I think those two words have come to mean more to me than ever! They mean more than just a simple “Thanks” on an email signature. When I tell someone “Thank you,” I am thanking them for the one and only thing we can never get back in this life… our time. We can always make more money, even in times where we have a massive inventory shortage. There will always be another house to list or sell and even missed opportunities sometimes present themselves again, but once time is spent, it is gone.

In fact, if you’ve ever had a meeting or call with me you have likely heard me say, “Thank you for your time.” Although I’ve been told I’m a good hugger, I hope what my friends and colleagues remember most about me is that I am, and will remain, forever grateful for your time that you have spent with me. Whether on a Zoom call, in person, in a committee meeting, in a Board meeting, at Rock the Block, at a cocktail hour or we haven’t even met yet—thank you!

This year, the theme of my president’s messages will be song titles—songs that have influenced me, driven me to get through a tough time or inspired me throughout life. I’d like to start by sharing a song from one of my favorite singer-songwriters, Kelly Clarkson. She reminds us that much like saying thank you, some traditions, like the Golden Rule, apply now more than ever. In her song “I Dare You,” she writes, “Do the only thing you’d want done to you. Even when you’re hurt, and you can only see the worst. Even when you think it’s not enough, I dare you to love.”

Now… I have a dare for you! I dare you not to berate the new agent on the other side of the deal, even when you have to tell them for the third time what form they should be using.

I dare you to love not only your fellow agents, but our Industry Partners—those inspectors, title agents and lenders, even at the end a long day when you are just sure you already sent them that amendment.

Even when you’re hurt, and you can only see the worst. Even when you think it’s not enough…”

Most importantly I dare you to love every single person that you meet. I dare you to show them love first, say thank you more than you need to and see what you get in return… you may just be surprised!

I wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2021, and thank you for allowing me to serve as your KCRAR president this year!

Tina Trent • January 30, 2021 at 9:58 pm

Well said! I pray we all have a great year.


Venita Fain-Siffre • January 12, 2021 at 8:14 am

Great message!


Jen Justus • January 11, 2021 at 11:04 am

I love the connection to music! 2020 was a year where we had a lot of time to listen! Listen to songs, to our friends & to ourselves! Thank you for being bold and carrying the tune! Can’t wait fir the harmony to come out this year!! It’s going to be absolutely on point!!!


Mary Jones-French • January 10, 2021 at 4:14 pm

What a great message as we enter this new year that has already tried to wear us down. We are all feeling things and we can go the extra mile and be patient and understanding and loving as we remind another of that document we need or patiently answer a question we have already answered several times. Go the extra mile to take a breath and be patient and kind with everyone we come in contact with both in our industry and in public.


Daniel Hartman • January 9, 2021 at 10:20 am

Absolutely love the message Tony. Thank You for challenging us and reminding us of all the things we should know and apply daily.

Congratulations on your new role and I look forward to your leadership in 2021.


Brenda Oliver • January 8, 2021 at 9:33 pm

Just one more example of why you’ll make a perfect leader, your ability to inspire others and be humble about it. Looking forward to a great 2021 under your leadership.


Karen Godfrey • January 8, 2021 at 7:31 pm

Great way to start the year Tony with a positive message. Even the best of us can use a reminder to live and lead with love and kindness. Love ya . I’m excited to follow, support and cheer you on this year.


Rob Curtis • January 8, 2021 at 4:43 pm

Wowser!!! That is quite a positive message of inclusion!!! I hope we will have an opportunity to meet for lunch or a cocktail soon. Rob


Lin Van Meter • January 8, 2021 at 4:03 pm

And I love you! Excited for your year! I know will be my shining star!


Kathryn Clark • January 8, 2021 at 2:37 pm

Great message, Tony. I look forward to serving with you. Thank you for your time!!


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