Since September is REALTOR® Safety Month, KCRAR will be bringing in Tracey “the Safety Lady” Hawkins to lead the September Latte and Learn session as well as martial arts expert Anthony Welch for a virtual self-defense class.
Hawkins is a former real estate agent who has taught thousands of agents across the country to live and work safely for over 26 years. Her Latte and Learn session will take place in a hybrid format on Sept. 17 at 9 a.m., so attendees may choose whether to attend in-person at the KCRAR Leawood office or online. Hawkins will share true examples of agents who have been victimized by a variety of crimes including armed robbery, murder, identity theft and assault so attendees can learn actionable work practices to help keep themselves safe on the job. Attendees will receive safety resources to take with them, including a Seller Security Checklist, FSBO Safety Tip Sheet, and Buyer Resource Guide.
“I teach agents to ‘lead with safety,’ by using safety to build your business and increase your profits,” Hawkins said. “Learn up-to-date safe work practices and how to protect the consumer using the marketing materials that I have created for you to use.”
In-person attendees will receive complimentary specialty coffees made on-site by Espresso Ah La Cart. Registration is open in the KCRAR Member Portal for in-person and virtual.
Welch has been trained in over ten disciplines of martial arts and is experienced in Special Combat Aggressive Reactionary System (SCARS), which is utilized by the Navy SEALs. He also has been certified in Pressure Point Control Tactics and Management of Aggressive Behavior. His self-defense class, entitled “Safety Awareness for REALTOR® Professionals,” will be taught virtually on Sept. 24 at 9 a.m. In the session, Welch will teach through discussion how self-defense is about awareness and prevention. He will address situational awareness, the aggressor mindset, understanding levels of threat and more.
Registration is open for the virtual class “Safety Awareness for REALTOR® Professionals” in the KCRAR Member Portal.