KCRAR will be bringing back “Achieve Excellence as a REALTOR® Administrator” online on Aug. 27. This class was made specifically for office administrators and personal assistants to learn the ins and outs of KCRAR and Heartland MLS processes, technology and resources.
“[The class] more than exceeded my expectations,” said Billie Rader, REALTOR® office administrator and previous attendee of Achieve Excellence. “You will get so much information out of this.”
Rader also spoke highly of the packet of resources given to each attendee of the class. This packet is designed to be an easy to reach information source for administrators and assistants as questions come up on the job regarding KCRAR and Heartland MLS procedures.
Topics discussed during the class will range from membership application process, bylaws, education, license renewal and more, making it an applicable curriculum for both new and experienced REALTOR® office administrators and personal assistants.
Register in the KCRAR Member Portal or by contacting Catharine Sales at 913-266-5930.
Karen Melloway • August 20, 2021 at 6:48 pm
What time is it online?