KCRAR has long held the commitment of being good stewards of our members’ dues dollars in all that we do. In that vein, many years ago leadership decided to invest in financial markets to ensure we had reserves and income to save for the future. I’m happy to report that in the past few years, those investments have produced significant earnings.
Approximately 2 years ago, leadership came together to brainstorm how to reinvest those earnings into our members. We looked at many, many services and products. We continue to be one of the few (and I do mean few!) associations across the country that offer our members benefits like no-cost CE, CloudCMA and CloudStreams at no charge, our free and reduced-fee lockbox program and safety programs like the Lifeline Safety App. I have been fortunate to travel the country representing KCRAR and trust me, the products and services we offer to our members are the envy of many REALTORS® across the country.
As the leadership task force brainstormed ideas, two things screamed out to us: 1) We wanted to do something impactful for the community we serve and 2) We wanted to do something that would reach and benefit ALL of our members. Two action items came out of those meetings. The first was our partnership with Habitat for Humanity through the Rock the Block event. I think we can agree, it was a resounding success last year and an event we look forward to having for many years to come. The second action item was to develop and implement a multi-media consumer marketing campaign to promote our members and the use of a REALTOR®. We felt this not only provided a benefit to our members, but also to the community and the clients we serve.
This week we are thrilled to launch the “ROLES” campaign. So many times I’ve heard fellow REALTORS® say, “if our clients even knew what we did behind the scenes…” The creative team worked to encapsulated those sentiments in the campaign.
Our goal is to have an ongoing campaign that will continue to evolve in years to come. In addition, every piece of the campaign we developed was with the foresight to make it available to our brokerages and members to tag and use for their own promotion. We have no reason to promote the KCRAR brand. We want to promote you and the REALTOR® brand.
Beginning on Monday, June 19, you will begin to see our commercial airing during local news broadcasts, with print and digital placements to soon follow.
All of these advertisements will drive traffic back to a campaign microsite – WhichRole.com. From this site, consumers can learn more about the many roles REALTORS® play in their commitment to their clients, as well as search for a local REALTOR®. Also from this site, you will have the opportunity to share KCRAR’s campaign elements in your own social media marketing.
The roll out of the customizable white label campaign materials will become available for your use late this summer. In the meantime, we hope you will continue to broadcast our message to increase awareness of our most precious asset: you!