The 2022 KCRAR Residential Forms will be released on Dec. 15 on kcrar.com. 15 forms were changed for the upcoming year by the KCRAR Residential Forms Committee, some of which underwent minor changes. All changes are outlined in the summary of changes document, and many of the substantial changes are explained by 2021 Residential Forms Chair Kathy Minden in the below video.
One of the most notable changes was to the In Its Present Condition Addendum. The three options on the form have been changed. The option #1 on the 2021 form was removed because that option is covered in the base contract. The other options were accordingly renumbered, and revisions were made to clarify the buyer is waiving the right to renegotiate.
Changes were also made to the sale contract in the Appraised Value Contingency paragraph. A blank was added for any amount above the contract purchase price, and a date requirement was added for proof of funds, if applicable.
KCRAR recommends all members discontinue use of the 2021 forms as soon as practical, or by Feb. 15, 2022 at the very latest. All 2022 KCRAR residential contract forms will display a 2022 copyright date at the bottom of the last page of each form. All 2021 forms will be available for a limited time on kcrar.com.
KCRAR will continue to provide members with paid subscriptions to formsRus and dotloop Premium as a member benefit. Updated KCRAR forms can be found on kcrar.com and formsRus on Dec. 15, and dotloop will have the 2022 forms available prior to Dec. 31. However, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has discontinued offering Zipforms as a no cost member benefit.
Ronda White • December 18, 2021 at 9:22 am
Excellent changes!