The 2021 KCRAR Residential Forms will be released on Dec. 15 on kcrar.com. A number of forms underwent minor changes, and new items were included in the Seller’s Disclosure Addendum. One noteworthy change was made to the Counter Offer Addendum whereas the Addenda section was completely reworked to eliminate confusion. The Contingency for Sale and/or Closing of Buyer’s Property Addendum was significantly revised to provide additional options and improve clarity for both the parties and members. Along with the newly revised Contingency for Sale and/or Closing of Buyer’s Property Addendum, the accompanying Kick Out Notice-Notice of Backup Contract and the Kick Out Notice Response were revised to be compatible with the new Contingency form. The Summary of Changes document lists the forms that had one or more revisions and indicates where the change was made in the form.
KCRAR recommends all members discontinue use of the 2020 forms as soon as practical, or by Feb. 15, 2021 at the very latest. All 2021 KCRAR residential contract forms will display a 2021 copyright date at the bottom of the last page of each form. Members who have a transaction that is in a “Contingent” status will want to continue use of the 2020 Kick Out forms, if required, so the 2020 and 2021 forms are not both used in the same transaction. All 2020 forms will be available for a limited time on kcrar.com.
KCRAR & HMLS Continue to Provide Paid Subscription to formsRus and dotloop Premium as a Member Benefit
KCRAR provides members with choices for online forms, based on member needs and preference. KCRAR REALTOR® members can continue to access the KCRAR Forms library through three online form providers; formsRus, dotloop and ZipForms. KCRAR and Heartland MLS provide a subscription to formsRus and dotloop Premium and the National Association of REALTORS® provides a paid subscription to ZipForms. Each of the three online form products allow for form fill, document save and forward and many additional features at no cost to members. To access one of these online form products, go to www.kcrar.com, login, and access the Forms & Contracts section from the quick links on the home page. KCRAR recommends agents consult their brokers before switching to another forms provider, as brokers may have a preferred provider.
FormsRus and dotloop are expected to have the 2021 KCRAR forms library up on Dec. 15. ZipForms will be launching with the 2021 KCRAR forms in early January.