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Step 1 of 6 – Member Application
I wish to apply for membership in the Heartland Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
I understand that;
• Participation is granted to REALTOR® members of any Board/Association of REALTORS®;• Heartland MLS owns the copyrighted compilation and grants a license to Participants to use• Listings in accordance with the MLS rules and regulations, subject to payment of fees;• Heartland MLS may use and license, or otherwise grant rights in or to the MLS Database to any third party for any lawful purpose reasonably deemed appropriate by MLS;• Heartland MLS provides for the ownership of the listing content by the broker or subscriber/agent with permission of participant/broker;• Applicants must be a principal, partner, corporate officer or branch manager acting on behalf of a real estate firm OR a licensed or certified appraiser;• Participation is not subject to transfer or assignment to another individual at a future time;• The initial fee is not refundable or transferable.
I affirm that;
• I hold a valid Kansas and/or Missouri real estate Brokers license; I confirm that I currently, and will on a continual and ongoing basis in the operation of my real estate business activities, offer and/or accept cooperation made by other Participants through the MLS. I agree that I must continue to engage in such activities during my participation in the MLS.OR• I am licensed or certified by an appropriate state regulatory agency to engage in the appraisal of real property.
I agree that;
• Participation is subject to the Heartland MLS Bylaws and Rules and Regulations, as may be amended from time to time;• I will pay all fees incidental to my Participation;• I will waive all claims against Heartland MLS, and/or its officers, directors, staff, Participants and Subscribers for any acts in connection with the business of the MLS, or discipline taken for noncompliance with the Heartland MLS Rules and Regulations.
• It is necessary for all Subscribers in my office, including myself, to complete a four (4) hour Heartland MLS Mandatory Basic Computer Class within 60 days of joining or access privileges will be suspended until the class has been completed;• A Subscriber Access Form must be submitted prior to the use of the Heartland MLS computer system.Should I wish to terminate Participation; • I will notify Heartland MLS, in writing, prior to the last day of service;• I will return all Heartland MLS property, if any, in good working condition, to the MLS;• I will relinquish all rights and privileges of Participation;• I will pay all fees for services received — initial fee is NOT a deposit, and will not be applied to final fees.
Dear Heartland MLS Customer:
Heartland MLS now offers you two (2) options for your Heartland MLS monthly billing:
1. Direct Agent Billing. You are responsible for the office fee and your own user fee. We will send a separate billing statement for each agent to your office. You are responsible for seeing that they get theirstatement. They are then responsible for paying Heartland MLS directly. They have the option of paying by check or authorizing an automatic credit card/debit card payment or automatic bank account withdrawal of their fees on the 18th of each month. If an agent does not pay their bill by the due date, their personal access to the MLS system is denied, but the rest of the office is not affected. Under the direct agent billing, Heartland MLS staff will be responsible for collecting all fees from the agent; not you!
2. Office Billing. You are responsible for all fees charged to your office and agents. One statement comes to you and you are responsible for collecting all fees from your agents and returning them to Heartland MLS by the due date. If your payment is not received by that date, access to the MLS system will be denied to your whole office on the 1st of the following month. You also havethe option of paying by check or authorizing an automatic credit/debit card payment or automatic bank account withdrawal on the 18th of each month.
Please mark the billing option you choose and return this form to Heartland MLS.
If you have any questions, please contact the KCRAR/Heartland MLS Membership Department at 913-661-1600.
The Wyandotte County Clerk’s office requires that all Participants in the Heartland MLS agree to the following in order to access the Wyandotte County tax database:
1. The Participant and any real estate licensees or certified or licensed appraisers affiliated with the Participant shall not:
(A) use any list of names or addresses contained in or derived from theWyandotte County real estate tax database for the purpose of selling oroffering for sale any property or service to any person listed or to any person who resides at any address listed; or
(B) sell, give or otherwise make available to any person any list of names or addresses contained in or derived from the Wyandotte County real estate tax database for the purpose of allowing that person to sell or offer for sale any property or service to any person listed or to any person who resides at any address listed.
2. I am aware of K.S.A. 21-3914, as amended, of the Kansas Criminal Code which proves that “no person shall knowingly sell, give or receive, for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service to persons listed therein, any list of names and addresses contained in or derived from public records…any violation of this statue can subject the violator to prosecution, imprisonment and/or fine.”
3. I agree to be responsible for all persons in my office who use the Wyandotte County real estate tax database. I understand that my access to all of the available county tax databases is being granted in order to provide data and information which is essential to my work, and I acknowledge that if I or any agents/users in my office violate this agreement with respect to the Wyandotte County tax database, then my office’s access to ALL counties’ tax information shall be revoked until further notice
The Johnson County Clerk’s office requires that the Broker/Manager, Designated REALTOR® or Certified or Licensed Appraiser agree to the following in order to access the Johnson County Tax Database:
1. I do not intend to and shall not:
(A) use any list of names or addresses contained in or derived from the data or information for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service to any person listed or to any person who resides at any address listed; or
(B) sell, give or otherwise make available to any person any list of names or addresses contained in or derived from the data or information for the purpose of allowing that person to sell or offer for sale any property or service to any person listed or to any person who resides at any addresslisted.
2. I am aware of K.S.A. 21-3914, as amended, of the Kansas Criminal Code which provides that “no person shall knowingly sell, give or revive, for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service topersons listed therein, any list of names and addresses contained in or derived from public records…and that violation of this statute can subject the violator to prosecution, imprisonment and/or fine.”
3. I agree to be responsible for all users in my office in the use of this information. I understand that my access to the Johnson County Tax Database is being granted in order to provide data and information which is essential to my work, and I acknowledge that if I or agents/users in my office violate this agreement, access to ALL counties’ tax information shall be denied indefinitely.
Click here to retrieve your M1/NRDS ID. (Opens in a new window)
NOTE: Applicant acknowledges that the Association will maintain a membership file of information which may be shared with other Associations where applicant subsequently seeks membership. This file shall include: previous applications for membership; all final findings of Code of Ethics violations and violations of other membership duties within the past three (3) years; pending complaints alleging violations of the Code of Ethics or alleging violations of other membership duties; incomplete or pending disciplinary measures; pending arbitration requests; and information related to unpaid arbitration awards or unpaid financial obligations to the Association or its MLS. Applicant acknowledges that if accepted as a member and he/she subsequently resigns from the Association or otherwise causes membership to terminate with an ethics complaint pending, the Board of Directors may condition renewal of membership upon applicant’s certification that he/she will submit to the pending ethics proceeding and will abide by the decision of the hearing panel. If applicant resigns or otherwise causes membership to terminate, the duty to submit to arbitration continues in effect even after membership lapses or is terminated, provided the dispute arose while applicant was a REALTOR®.
HEARTLAND MLS.This waiver is binding until modified by my Participant and me, and accepted by Heartland MLS. Should I be found to be in violation of this waiver, the Participant will be subject to any action taken by Heartland MLS in accordance with the Heartland MLS Rules and Regulations.
All KCRAR and Heartland MLS offices will be closed Wednesday, February 12. Staff will be available by phone or email 8:00 am - 5:00 pm