Commercial Sponsorship Information

KCRAR Commercial events are made possible by the support of our sponsors. Sponsorship packages provide your company with recognition at each of our events, in our commercial communications and event promotions as well as other Industry Partner membership benefits. Our two annual sponsorship options and a la carte event opportunities come with unique benefits.
Commercial Corporate Annual Sponsorship
- 1 Commercial Industry Partner membership
- 4 tickets to all commercial events
- Verbal recognition at all commercial events
- Opportunity to speak from the podium at our annual awards event and Forecast event, our two largest events
- Company logo on commercial event flyers, signage and programs
- Recognition in KCRAR Commercial newsletters and event promotions
- Reserved golf team (four players) at Commercial Broker Open Golf Scramble
- 1 hole sponsorship at Commercial Broker Open Golf Scramble
- Industry exclusivity (assigned on a first come, first served basis. Other exclusions may apply.)
Commercial Annual Sponsorship
- 1 Commercial Industry Partner membership
- 2 tickets to all commercial event (excludes Commercial Broker Open Golf Scramble)
- Verbal recognition at all commercial events
- Company logo on commercial event flyers and signage
- Recognition in KCRAR Commercial newsletters and event promotions
- 1 hole sponsorship at Commercial Broker Open Golf Scramble
Contact Kathy Walker at with any questions.