Committees & Advisory Groups

Awards Committee

Chair: Steve Moyer
Vice Chair: Jennifer Langston-Justus
Staff Liaison: Debbie Strange

Budget and Finance Committee

Chair: David Nichols

Vice Chair: Dan Hartman

Staff Liaison: Mike Shell

Five County Chapter

Vice Chair: 
Staff Liaison: Crystal Sullins

Midwest Missouri Chapter

Vice Chair: 
Staff Liaison: Crystal Sullins

Pittsburg Chapter

Chair: Madison Marietta
Vice Chair: Amy Herring
Staff Liaison: Crystal Sullins

Southeast Kansas Chapter

Chair: Thomas Dabro
Vice Chair: Amber Gregory
Staff Liaison: Crystal Sullins

St. Joseph Chapter

Chair: Tammy O’Meara Chambers
Vice Chair: Carime Reeves
Staff Liaison: Crystal Sullins

Consumer Engagement Advisory Group

Chair: Lora Walker
Vice Chair: Lin Van Meter
Staff Liaison: Kyla Barcus

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee

Chair: Irene Lindsey
Vice Chair: Taryn Kelly
Staff Liaisons: Patti Dauer & Amber Vandegrift

Events and Outreach Advisory Group

Chair: Angela Lofton
Vice Chair: Kenna Arnold
Staff Liaison: Maria Ryan

Forms Committee

Chair: Michele Dupont
Vice Chair: Shawn Muller
Staff Liaisons: Perry Crume 

Global Business Council

Chair: Joshua Do
Vice Chair: Terri McGowen
Staff Liaison: Kipp Cooper

Grievance Committee

Chair: Patrick McDowell
Vice Chair: Cynthia Duncan
Staff Liaison: Debbie Strange

Heartland MLS Board of Directors & Executive Committee

President: John Ketchum
President-Elect: Jessica Thomas
Staff Liaison: Kipp Cooper

KCRAR Board of Directors & Executive Committee

President: Andrew Mall
President-Elect: David Nichols
Staff Liaison: Kipp Cooper

KCRAR Commercial Committee

Chair: Nick Ambrosio
Staff Liaisons: Kathy Walker & Jeff Carson

KS Advocacy Committee

Chair: Jana Larsen
Vice Chair: Steven Meyer
Staff Liaison: Jeff Carson

KS RPAC Trustees

Staff Liaison: Jeff Carson

Member Engagement Advisory Group

Chair: Aundre Gray
Vice Chair: Lindsay Sproul
Staff Liaison: Kyla Barcus

MO Advocacy Committee

Chair: Teresa Fox
Vice Chair: Jabari Mack
Staff Liaisons: Jeff Carson & Kathy Walker

MO RPAC Trustees

Staff Liaisons: Jeff Carson & Kathy Walker

Professional Development Committee

Chair: Kathy McCarty
Vice Chair: Taylor Hubbard
Staff Liaison: Catharine Sales

REALTOR® Party Advisory Group

Chair: Amanda Starcher
Vice Chair: Johanna Eibes
Staff Liaison: Jeff Carson & Kathy Walker

Young Professionals Network Committee

Chair: Michael McReynolds
Vice Chair: Michele Dupont
Staff Liaisons: Amber Vandegrift & Maria Ryan