Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS®One Hallbrook Place – 11150 Overbrook Road, Suite 100 – Leawood, KS 66211Phone: (913) 498-1100 – Fax: (913) 498-1110 – www.kcrar.com
The Supra key and lockbox system is a service provided to REALTOR® members of the Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS®. In an effort to provide a convenience for our REALTOR®membership, the KCRAR Board of Directors has created an Affiliate key system for Industry Partner members who wish to participate.
The following restrictions apply to the Affiliate keys assigned by the Association:1. The Affiliate key is a limit-access key that requires a Call Before Showing (CBS) code to be entered into the Affiliate key before the Affiliate may access the keybox to which the Affiliate is trying to gain entry.
2. Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS® cannot guarantee the availability of CBS codes forthe entry of Affiliate membership into listings.
3. Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS® cannot provide CBS codes to Affiliate members forKeyboxes.
4. It is the sole responsibility of the listing agent to provide CBS codes to affiliate members.
5. It is strictly up to the listing agent to provide CBS codes for their keyboxes to the Affiliate membership..
All new Industry Partner members who sign up for the Supra key service must agree to a $20.00 fee for a security background check to be performed by the Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS®. The check requires a 48 hour wait time before a key can be issued.
By signing this agreement, the Industry Partner member indicates an understanding and acceptance of the above and all current and future rules and regulations outlined in the KCRAR Key and Lockbox Policy.